Man, it's been a while since I've added anything. This painting took a lot of time and, with the Holidays, birthdays, etc. I haven't had that much. It's been pretty exciting at the gallery. I sold a piece three of the last four evenings I spent there.
It's difficult to describe the most difficult part of the painting. The foliage took hours and the shadows were a challenge, but the most technically challenging task was getting the adobe walls to appear mottled and aged. I first applied a light tan/pink/peach color I'd mixed to the entire building. Then I started adding layers of different paints; everything from raw umber and yellow ocher to pthalo blue and sap green.
For the foliage I used virtually every blue in my paint box, mixed with cad yellow and titanium white.
Although it doesn't immediately leap out, don't miss the calla lily in the lower left.
I haven't decided yet, but this may be my donation to the Holy Spirit School auction this year.
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