This is my first experience with watercolors (since elementary school). I was in Hawaii for a week's vacation with my family. My wife wouldn't let me bring my paints. Something about wanting to spend time with me... Anyway, there was a watercolor workshop at the resort, conducted by a local artist named Donald Hall.
I couldn't begin to list the paints used as the palettes were prepared for us. I know we had thalo blue, cad yellow, cad red, lemon yellow and sap green. Beyond that, your guess is as good as mine.
Long story short, I really enjoyed it and as soon as I got time after getting back, I purchased watercolor supplies.
Aloha.The colors uses were Thalo blue, Thalo Vioalt, Sap Green, Lemon Yellow. Douge you can check out rhe colors You had at
under Art Class Information Mahalo Donald K Hall
Aloha.The colors uses were Thalo blue, Thalo Vioalt, Sap Green, Lemon Yellow. Douge you can check out rhe colors You had at
under Art Class Information Mahalo Donald K Hall
Aloha.The colors uses were Thalo blue, Thalo Vioalt, Sap Green, Lemon Yellow. Douge you can check out rhe colors You had at
under Art Class Information Mahalo Donald K Hall
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